donderdag 2 juli 2009

ZigBit breakout

I prefer not to have to solder wires to the ZigBit's. I'll have to find a solution to solderless connect to the ZigBit's. From the datasheet i found out that the ZigBit pins have a 1mm spacing. This means that i'll be unable to use a standard solderless prototype board.

I thought I had a good idea: create some kind of socket with needles stuck in wood. I thought i then would be able to connect wires to the needles and voila a socket... I printed the mounting-information page of the ZigBit datasheet on true size (25%).... Uhmm... Ok.. That small!!??
I still have to find a way to interface with the zigbits without soldering... The needles will be returned to the sewing box..

Maybe I'll be able to find 18 pin (single/double sided?) edge connectors with 1mm spacing for 0.8mm thickness pcb. Also a 7 pin version.
Something like this?

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