dinsdag 7 juli 2009

ZigBit's have arrived..

The two ZigBit modules have arrived! They were just as i imagned they would be! Only 4 times smaller. I really suspect some kind of alien technology is used to fabricate these modules. They are Tiny (yes, capital T!).

On the internet i've not been able to find good pictures of the underside of the ZigBit's.

To give an impression of the real-world size: Two cats sniffin' at a ZigBit.

Whoooohww! It's not a toy or something you can eat...
And now i must think of a solution to wire-it-up..

zondag 5 juli 2009

ZigBee enable our cats
One of our cats keeps running of out of our garden. Some time ago she stayed out for days and we found her in some bushes a few hundred meters away. I'm hoping to implant her with a ZigBee chip so i'm able to trace her. ofcourse i wouldn't implant her with a chip !!! I want to make a module for her collar.

Create a ZigBee enabled soil moisture sensor
Hopefully i will then be reminded when to spray my lawn with water on time.

Audible warning when it starts raining and i've left things out in the garden.

donderdag 2 juli 2009

ZigBit breakout

I prefer not to have to solder wires to the ZigBit's. I'll have to find a solution to solderless connect to the ZigBit's. From the datasheet i found out that the ZigBit pins have a 1mm spacing. This means that i'll be unable to use a standard solderless prototype board.

I thought I had a good idea: create some kind of socket with needles stuck in wood. I thought i then would be able to connect wires to the needles and voila a socket... I printed the mounting-information page of the ZigBit datasheet on true size (25%).... Uhmm... Ok.. That small!!??
I still have to find a way to interface with the zigbits without soldering... The needles will be returned to the sewing box..

Maybe I'll be able to find 18 pin (single/double sided?) edge connectors with 1mm spacing for 0.8mm thickness pcb. Also a 7 pin version.
Something like this?http://nl.farnell.com/samtec/mec1-120-02-s-d-a/connector-card-egde-1mm-40way/dp/1667839