I found it quite hard to make a decision which module to use. I've created a spreadsheet for myself with properties of the various modules.
Mandatory properties:
* RF-Module. This because factory created hardware is much smaller in comparison to DIY.
* MCU based. This because I want to be able to do customizations.
* Small. I want to be able to automate many different things, so space might be sparse.
I really liked the IDwaRF, Decibit- and the Busware CPM modules because they are super small sized and I know there is a big and friendly community (Arduino, Sanguino, AVRFreaks, etc.).
I also liked the "TI EZ430-RF2500". Because this solution comes with an USB host adapter.
Size ranking:
1. Panasonic PAN4555 12,2 * 16,4 mm = 200 mm2
2. Busware CPM (estimated, excluding antenna) 21 * 10,3mm = 216 mm2
3. Decibit DCBT-24AX 25 * 10mm = 250 mm2
4. ZigBit ATZB-24-B0 (exlcuding antenna) 18,8 * 13,5 mm = 254 mm2
5. ZigBit ATZB-24-A2 13,5 * 24mm = 324 mm2
Strobit 70 * 30,5 mm = 2135 mm2
My reasons to choose for the ZigBit modules:
* They are quite small. Although not the smallest
* There is "free" software to be found. (BitCloud-stack, Contiki-port)
* There are experienced users to be found.
* There is a free Development-solution for download (WinAVR, AVRStudio)
* The module has a MCU which has enough memory for customization.
* By choosing for a ZigBee-module I hope to have chosen a stable future platform.
* By choosing for a ZigBee-module I hope not to have much to do with protocols and lowlevel things.
I've ordered two ZigBit-modules (MNZB-24-A2) from Digi-key 20,51euro a piece. Hopefully I will receive the modules in a week or so.